What's On?

Programme of Events

8.00am - Kennedy Rose Bowl

Open Men’s Golf Competition at Portstewart Golf Club

Phone club to enter: 028 7083 2015


9.30am - Ocean Discoveries for Kids

Fun-filled seaside event featuring childrens craft, nature activities, games and more!

In Agherton Parish Centre


Noon - Men’s Shed Open Day

Men’s Shed, Central Avenue


Noon - Pavement Art Competition

Chalk Provided. At the Crescent


2.00pm - Children’s Talent Show

at the Bandstand

Sponsored by Maxwell Freight.
Registration from 12.30pm at Gazebo. 

Age categories 5-10 & 11-16


4.30pm - Facepainting

at the Crescent


4.30pm - Puppet Show

at the Bandstand


7.00pm - Junior Fishing Competition

For U16 at the Harbour


7.30pm - String Ninjas

Belfast based instrumental duo at the Bandstand


9.00pm - *** Play Your Cards Right ***

At the Royal British Legion, Lever Road

A Red Sails At Sunset Event


9.00pm - *** Comedy Club ***

At Me and Mrs Jones, the Diamond

Ticketed event, please book via PCA eventbrite

A Red Sails At Sunset Event